Oct 27, 2007

me in reality rather than a dream

the reality is always keeping away from my imagination
the world is not like what i thought of
people are taking everything valued by others very seriously
just like what my ba said, my feeling of existence is very little
even the feeling of existence in the world
i found i prefer to be living in my own world subconsciously
although i don't wanna be, it just appears to be
i can't locate myself and i don't know what i'm supposed to do
i'm tired from meeting others' expectations and forcing myself to be the one i'm supposed to be
it all comes from pressure around, i know that
but even a dust does exert on me (or make me feel i'm exerted)
as a whole, i still don't get used to the life i'm living
it has been almost 2 months. still don't know what's going on with me

Oct 20, 2007

few words about my hall life so far

這一夜我聽了 At17 的“青春”
真的不知道經常說很忙的我, 究竟在忙甚麼
沒有 take up 甚麼負荷很重的大 post, 功課又不是很多
但我一直沒有時間停下來 給自己想想

本來 blog 是一個很好反省自己的地方
但這兩個月來我連打 blog 的精神都沒有
我知道我需要他 但他似乎離我太遠
翻看我的 calendar, 才知道原來確實 我忙過了甚麼
what has been keeping me busy
hall o >> 樓 o >> floor visit >> master & angel >> hall visit >> joint-floor halloween >> wlf oc
時間表好像排得密密麻麻, 每一刻腦袋都要 function
但是得到甚麼 我說不出來
看清楚甚麼 倒是很多令人失望 (落) 的事
失去的, 更是我不想失去的

在另一層面上, 我很 enjoy 在這裡的生活
甚至跟別人說, i'm proud of being a dragon guy
但我的適應能力還是不夠強, 人際關係也比較弱
我知道有些事, 我是不會做的
很想跟他們混熟一點, 做個交心的朋友
但是 hall 就是一個給人障礙的地方
你會因為很多不同的原因, 而不能跟一個你很想認識的人認識
姑且抱著這個信念, 讓我在接下來的時間裡振作
what's really keeping me busy, is
locating myself in this place at this moment

朋友們, 我很久沒有跟你們見面了
爸爸媽媽, 真的很對不起
一直不能把更多時間放在家裡, 令你們擔心了
給我自己: 接下來的每一天, 你知道自己想要甚麼, 要做甚麼嗎?

加油! 你做到的!