Mar 27, 2010
controlled spam in hotmail
I got such a message caught as spam in my mailbox yesterday. It was actually sent to my Hotmail account. Take a look at the footer with some Chinese which was the ad appended by Hotmail boasting of its so-called "reliable and powerful" spam control. That's why I should never trust this global enterprise.
what a friday
10.30am planned to wake up. but failed
12pm woke up
12.45pm 一盒麥精 stand by me for rushing assignment
3.50pm 熱狗檔七蚊九粒但得八粒燒賣作為第一餐
4pm 一盒正宗陽光檸檬茶伴我 mid-term
5.15pm 煙三文魚焗薯 + 一杯暖水 @ super sandwiches 聽叱咤叱叱咤
7pm 時菜肉片飯 + 凍檸茶 (second lemon tea!?) 是咬不碎的肉片
12.30am gonna have a better sleep for tomorrow's fyp meeting at 9am
what a friday
i can barely recall how hunger used to excite me
12pm woke up
12.45pm 一盒麥精 stand by me for rushing assignment
3.50pm 熱狗檔七蚊九粒但得八粒燒賣作為第一餐
4pm 一盒正宗陽光檸檬茶伴我 mid-term
5.15pm 煙三文魚焗薯 + 一杯暖水 @ super sandwiches 聽叱咤叱叱咤
7pm 時菜肉片飯 + 凍檸茶 (second lemon tea!?) 是咬不碎的肉片
12.30am gonna have a better sleep for tomorrow's fyp meeting at 9am
what a friday
i can barely recall how hunger used to excite me