Mar 31, 2007

cl&c over


呢條應該咁做, 好似 official speaking 咁
好似話建議書要 "致", 唔係 "敬呈"
文化題 #2 要解晒篇文言
對我而言, 擾敵而已
畢竟考完, 大家都係考生
冇理由你講既野一定岩卦, 你擾我者

整體上, 咁多份 paper 都冇嘜信心
本來有一兩份有少少信心, 覺得自己做得幾好
我又唔係有大過失, 係文化題有 d 千篇一律者, 都冇辦法
我讀左成本文化篇章, 都見唔到講 "慎言" 呢個話題
一日之內三場考試, 就斷定左你上唔上到大學了
d notes 某程度上已經可以焚化

對我黎講, 四篇閱讀理解, 兩條文化題都唔係問文化篇章, 都係新野
甚至今日既聆聽, 四式之餘重有 "總括而言"
有人話冇做到 20 分喎
都唔係既, 考下你臨場應變丫嘛
篩咁 d 死讀個 d 同埋亂撞個 d
而更重要的是, 佢要考你既唔係應試技巧
不過, 考人既又唔好做到 out 晒 c 咁
個兩條文化題, ls + 文學

基本上已經可以知道你入唔入到 u
但求考個日有最佳狀態, 做返我平時做既野就可以了

沮喪個 d 唔好沮喪 la
you are not the worst definitely
冇人能夠保證到 d 咩, 係今次既考試上
"由它去, 別再追, 趕快想想新對象是誰"

Mar 28, 2007

140 q's

友人叫我做o下, 算是無聊一o下

001. 最近喜歡的人: charlene choi
002. 最近喜歡的食物:mc's 至尊漢堡
003. 最近喜歡的飲品:nestle milk tea
004. 最近喜歡的電影: 回魂夜, 秋天的童話...
005. 最近喜歡的歌曲: 最後的嬉皮士, 飄零燕, 一生何求 - 古巨基, 華麗邂逅, 紅噹噹飛吻...
006. 最近喜歡的運動: cycling, hiking, soccer (desc. order)
007. 最近喜歡的地方: 雪映移城中的日本 (日本東北), 'kong u 背山面海的 hall
008. 最近喜歡的事情: discussions in studying period, 睇電視
009. 最近喜歡的朋友: blung, winter, cheong, chun, man (emotionally)
010. 最近喜歡的品牌: google
011. 最近喜歡的課堂: 中化
012. 最近喜歡的coffee: cappuccino
013. 最近喜歡的衣服顏色: 啡
014. 最近喜歡外出的地方: lion rock hill, hk island
015. 最近喜歡獨自一人嗎: yes
016. 最近喜歡到m記還是kfc:m

017. 你試過因為一個人哭嗎? yes
018. 你試過傷害別人嗎: yes
019. 你試過玩弄感情嗎: yes
020. 你試過愛上朋友的戀人嗎:no
021. 你試過講大話嗎: yes
022. 你試過跟不喜歡的人談戀愛嗎: no
023. 你試過心碎嗎? yes
024. 你試過愛一個人愛得很深嗎:no
026. 你試過暗戀別人嗎:yes
027. 你試過怕愛上別人嗎: yes
028. 你試過比人暗戀你嗎:i dont know

029. 喜歡貓或狗: 狗
030. 喜歡老鼠或4腳蛇:四腳蛇
031. 喜歡可樂或是雪碧: coca-cola
032. 喜歡被吻的地方: i dont know
033. 喜歡被抱嗎:no
034. 喜歡什麼水果:strawberry...
035. 喜歡的天氣: 爽
036. 喜歡的國家: japan, england...
037. 喜歡的明星: eason, charlene choi, joey, stephen chow, ...
038. 喜歡的designer: none
039. 喜歡的球星:cristiano ronaldo
040. 喜歡的nba球星:none
041. 喜歡的藝人: 周博賢, keith chan, 宮崎駿, 曾志偉, ...
042. 喜歡的品牌:google
043. 喜歡的英文歌:santa claus is coming to town, i was born to love you, yesterday once more, first of may, the end of the world, ...
044. 喜歡打日記或寫日記﹕打
045. 喜歡男生或女生: 女生
046. 喜歡什麼類型的女生:i dont know
047. 喜歡牛奶嗎: probably
048. 喜歡戀人對你說什麼:沒有特別喜歡
049. 喜歡怎樣的戀人:夾

050. 誰會把你弄哭: mum, movie, last sports day
051. 誰可以令你開心: mum, movie, last sports day, friends, nature
052. 誰可以令你改變: 說話有道理的人, nature
053. 誰令你覺得煩厭: mum, some girls, 娛樂新聞
054. 誰令你放下尊嚴: movie, story, god, nature
055. 誰令你放棄自己: me
056. 你的最長一段愛情:not counted
057. 你的最短一段愛情﹕not counted
058. 你的最愛是誰: god knows
059. 你最懷念的一個吻:我記得
060. 你最懷念的抱抱:我也記得
061. 你最不想失去的一段愛情:not counted
062. 你最想要一個怎樣的戀人:049.
063. 你是一個執著的人嗎: no
064. 你自我中心嗎: probably yes for everyone
065. 你會幫助別人嗎: sometimes
066. 你是好的情人嗎: i dont know
067. 你是一個好的聆聽者嗎:i think i am
068. 你會為戀人而跟朋友吵架嗎: i dont know
069. 你暗戀別人時,會告訴別人嗎: no
070. 你相信會有一生一世的愛情嗎: yes

071. 你最信任的是誰: me
072. 你最搞笑的朋友是誰:man
073. 你最白痴的朋友: 不敢說
074. 你最肥的朋友: chun
075. 你最瘦的朋友: sze sze ki
076. 你跟誰番學:nobody
077. 最信你的朋友: i dont know
078. 識得最耐既朋友: not counted
079. 呢排有咩係最搞笑:something like 牛 "利" 酥
080. 最清楚你的朋友: no
081. 你最有錢的朋友: chun
082. 你最記得邊幾個fd電話:chun

[你最後的. . . ]
083. 你最後接誰的電話: doy
084. 你最後打給誰: my sister
085. 你最後吃了什麼﹕mcdonald's french fries
086. 你最後飲了什麼:coca-cola
087. 你最後見到誰:blung
088. 你最後跟誰出街: blung, gun, wing
089. 你最後因為咩大笑:手機藍芽賽車 game
090. 你最後買既野:mcdonald's
091. 最後把你弄哭的是誰:海猿
092. 你最後msn/icq跟誰說話: hte
093. 你最後send message給誰: mch
094. 你最後收到的message: private
095. 你最後一個voice mail:none
096. 你最後聽的歌: 笑忘書
097. 你最後想起的是誰:none
098. 你最後講的粗口:(forbidden)

099. 你最想吃什麼: 白粥
100. 你最想跟誰在一起:dearest friends
101. 你最想去哪裡: camp
102. 你最想忘記的事: none
103. 你最想跟誰見面:man
104. 你最想做什麼: 006.
105. 你最想買的東西:laptop
106. 你最想得到什麼:dreams come true
107. 你最想扔掉什麼: 罪
108. 你最想吃的雪糕: 聰明豆麥旋風
109. 你最想看的電影:再見熒火蟲, 穿越時空的少女, 如果愛, ...

110. 你最喜歡什麼顏色:orange-yellow
111. 你的戀人是誰:none
112. 你一天用多少時間睡覺:5-6 hrs on average
113. 你一天用多少時間看電視: 2-3 hours
114. 你一天用多少時間講電話: <> 2 hrs
116. 你一天用多少時間出街: seldom
117. 你經常跟誰講電話:mum
118. 你最討厭別人對你做什麼: i dont know
119. 你有沒有做一些後悔的事: yes
120. 你最憎自己什麼: 講錯野
121. 你遇過最傷心的事:hurt somebody
122. 你最掛住:小王子
123. 你有沒有暗戀對象: no
124. 你的暗戀對象知道你暗戀他嗎:no
125. 你會把唔開心掩飾起來嗎: yes
126. 你會用什麼動物比喻自己:i dont know
127. 你會用什麼詞語形容自己: 物
128. 你感到孤獨時會做什麼: walk, 聽歌
129. 你會跟別人分享你的快樂嗎:yes
130. 你最貴的一對鞋是: puma
131. 你最貴的一件衫是: bgw
132. 你最貴的袋是:無牌
133. 你save左幾多人電話: 96
134. 你的床上有什麼: clock, 公仔, 紙, 枕頭, 被, 望遠鏡, ...
135. 你會發脾氣嗎: yes
136. 你的短期目標: al
137. 你的長期目標: hku
138. 現在時間: 01:28
139. 你用了多少時間完成:i dont know, you did not ask me to count
140. 是誰send給你: no one, 不過友人叫我不如做o下

Mar 23, 2007

oral exam over

考完後, 我覺得自己好好彩

這兩條題目自己都總算捱得過, 總算可以俾反應

於我來說, 這個中化口試的氣氛實在太恐怖
從第一天開始, 就聽到考完的人回來訴說當天的情況
然而, 他們是戰勝或失敗 only god knows
而我, 就像一個守在軍營的小士卒
每天都有新的軍情, 這天的題目是怎樣的難度, 有多少人戰敗, 多少人跨不過去

至少心口沒有中彈, 沒有負傷回來
戰勝與否, 還要等整場風雲散去後才有分曉
然而, 我不太同意一些匯報軍情的消息
他們說毋須太緊張, 外面的人不兇狠, 反而你有機會嚇怕人
但這一天是否完全可以描述整個時勢, 不然
遇不到不代表不存在, 是你好彩
奉勸未考的人, 不要期望太大
正如一句「希望愈大, 失望愈大」, 沒多少著數

可能就給 examiner 一個翻起了
尤其那「只有在民主國家, 才有真正愛國的人」
正是我不擅長的題目, 怎說也說不過去
是必炒之題, 不知當時戰況如何

一邊聽著熟悉的音樂, 一邊沿行人路向大埔中心走去
走過去是要散散心, 放放鬆
之前太緊張了, 緊張得心也躍動, 手也顫抖
之前多次騎單車經過, 燒烤試過, 凌晨坐通宵巴士回家也試過
這次我走出廣福道, 等 73a

之前共乘過 73a 兩次
吐露港看不見, 中大山頭, 馬料水卻是「萬家燈火」
其實只是一些街燈照明, 卻把整個城市的欲睡感覺美麗地蓋過
那是大埔公路, 加上春意矇矓
記得對上一次便是清晨上學的 82s
再沒有人記得何謂清爽通風, 何謂沒有空氣調節的移動工具


Mar 21, 2007

add oil, work hard

to all al candidates, including those studying at home, in self-study room or somewhere else, including those studying in stmc, not in stmc, and the others, and those of my friends and companions,

add oil
jia1 you3
work hard, then play hard

to my friends,
shall we meet some time later?

Mar 15, 2007

fear of cl oral

日日上網都見到 d 人講考完 oral 既野
又話自己 ok, 又話表現唔錯...
d 題目咁難
真係人生路不熟, 行路都隨時 p

hku 開左個 message board 俾應屆高考生討論問野
去左睇下 'kong u d hall
海景, high table... 一切都係 fresh
究竟我 a 唔 afford 到呢...?
重有, 我有冇揀岩科呢?

Mar 11, 2007

look changed

look changed

for the sake of placing 2 playlists on the left column
one is the tracks i recently listen to
whether newly released or just got interested in the few days
another is my favourite golden tracks
exactly the meaning of "never get bored even listened for hundred times"

you know, sharing is one of the most important purposes of the internet in today's broadband connection
internet - interactive network
to fully enjoy the benefits brought by the advanced it,
you have to figure out ways how you can share your own things, favourites, joy or something like that with those you wish to share with
otherwise, the issues would blame that the hi-tech causes alienation of relationship between people

start learning english from the letter "f"

just received an email from the school intranet
talking about a blogger, a local english teacher, who teaches english by recording video and uploading to youtube
very useful and valuable site for us,
especially the topics about "avoiding cantonese-english"
you'll learn and improve a lot if you start the lessons today
and of course significant progress in the performance of your ue exam is foreseeable

something about self-studying

after staying at a cramped room in sun tin wai for more than 2 weeks
i found it no more suitable for me to study there, facing 4 sides of wall, silence and inadequate fresh air
i fall asleep soon no matter how energetic i am at that day
sometimes i even have to stay outside of the room to listen to the shouts and screams by the kids
because it's too stressful to be looking at the books and papers without talking to others

in fact, i think that in sha tin library is much better
the light colour, the spacious room, the nearby ntp are all favourable to me
you don't have to worry about the opening hour,
as it's just the same 3 sessions for the whole week
when looking for somebody to answer your question,
you'd walk around the tables and search for your friends
no chatting in the room but you are indeed gossiping about everything except the question you are asking
you'll hardly get bored as many people are going in and out of the room every second
you can look at them and think about what they are doing
funny, amusing, entertaining are all my feelings in sha tin studying room

Mar 4, 2007

recalling yesterdays

Carpenters - Only Yesterday
(趕我不絕, 又可以點歌了)

無意之中, 就像《粵語殘片》般
尋回一本 form1 時候的日記簿
那時的我在想甚麼呢, 那些日子是如何的呢?
記載了 "mch" 的來源
某年某天, 某人問我此字何解
一時之間, 自己也想不起
不過, 到了現在, 還是現在這個樣子比較好看
暗中感奇妙, 背後亦悲傷亦遺憾

初中時期, 中學時期
唯有靠這一頁頁日記簿, 一幀幀舊相片, 喚起我的 yesterday

my admission form

AS CL Oral Mar 22 大埔圓玄學院第二中學
AS CL 1A, 1B, 2, Listening 朱敬文中學
AS UE B, C, E, Listening 五育中學
AL Pure Maths 馮黃鳳亭中學
AL Physics 陳震夏中學
AS App. Maths 郭得勝中學
AS Comp. App. 陳震夏中學
AS UE Oral May 9 楊葛小琳中學

the school in tai po, somewhere i dont know...
anybody will attend the same centre?
lets go lunch together
very boring and stressful to be alone, right?

work hard everybody!

Mar 2, 2007

share my google personalized homepage

i'd like to share my google personalized homepage (google ig) and other stuff i'm interested here.

my google personalized homepage

clock, calendar, weather, email inbox, bookmarks, calculator, integrated search (web, video, blog, local), sticky notes, to-do list, feed reader, groups, radio, mp3 player, news
all these in google ig directory

you can listen to any radio channel (like 903, rthk, metroshowbiz, ...) without leaving the homepage

mp3 player
you can listen to all music uploaded to with unlimited storage capacity

i think google ig is best in organizing the most instant information anywhere connected to the internet. it's just like your business centre where all things start there. so, go and have a try now. you'll find it very interesting and discover something much amazing!

my google calendar

now you can view my public calendar in 2 ways
subscribe to my calendar

in addition, you can send invitation to my calendar through the email address
hkmcmch at gmail dot com
(replace ' at ' with '@', ' dot ' with '.')
(see how-to for inviting guests to an event)

with a single google account you can access all these wonderful features (more). sign up for a google account now (gmail is open for public now).
hope you find the above information useful and meaningful...

note: this is not an ad.
(in fact, the purpose of this entry is to provide 'evidence' that i didn't waste my time in the lunar new year holidays.)